It’s quite a long time six weeks and it can be hard thinking of creative stuff to do with the kids every day. Plus, it can be a bit of a dear do, with holidays, days out and numerous ice cream purchases.
So if you need a bit of inspiration this summer to entertain your little minions fear not! – we have once again trawled the net and found some creative things to do and fun days out that are a bit different from the norm and don’t cost the earth…
DIY rain clouds an art/science project
July so far has been a bit wet, so hoping for much more sun in August! However, this is England and we can’t be too optimistic, so for those rainy days why not try out this fun yet educational little project with your little ones. Part art, part science you just need a few bits of household stuff to create stunning rain clouds in a jug. They look fab and it means you can do a bit of teaching in between baking and watching the Lego Movie…Check out how to here
Wind in the willows – Grosvenor Park Open Air Theatre – 4th July – 29th August
Why not pop along to the Grosvenor Park and take a little picnic to see The Wind in the Willows with the kids. Follow Mole, Ratty, Toad and Badger on their journey and enjoy some family time. Running time is about 2 hrs 30 mins with an interval and under 12s are free, so its well worth a watch. Hurry though as tickets are selling out fast.
Paper plate Jellyfish
Can’t think of anything other than colouring and sticking stuff together with glitter to do? Check out these paper plate jellyfish, dead easy to make and minimal mess! How to make.
The Wizard of Oz – Roman Gardens Chester – 15th July – 22nd August
You may fancy popping down to the cinema in the hols, why not go and watch a classic in the Roman Gardens in town. It’s a nice change from being indoors and its an excuse to watch the Wizard Of Oz again, plus under 12s go free and you can take a picnic and a blanket to sit on.
Everyone loves a bit of baking and it wouldn’t be the hols without giving it a go. Try out this retro marble cake with the kids. How to make.
If the sun comes out…
If we are lucky enough to see a bit of that lovely sun, it’s time to let the kids run off a bit of steam in the garden. Add a bit of fun by getting them to help you make a homemade sprinkler. Just grab an empty plastic bottle, pierce with holes, and duck tape the hose to the end of it – dead simple, hours of fun.
Top tips to tire them out
Week three, still another three to go, your knackered and have started to think that the stress of getting uniforms and lunches ready, and doing the school run is just as fun as going out for a large drink with your pals. Your wrong! This means you need a break – here are some ideas to let them burn off some energy.
No trampoline? No worries, let them jump on the mattress for a bit, they’ll be knackered after this and need a good snooze.
Build a den – Get a load of blankets, sheets and the like, move some furniture about, you know the drill and get them to help. Once built and they’ve had a bit of den time get them to help with all the tidying up. This can take ages and can use up a good few hours.
Dancing – Pop some tunes on and get them dancing, musical statues and general larking about doesn’t need to be reserved for parties.
Book a shoot!
Thinking of getting some photos done? summer hols gives you loads of time for photo opportunities, plus you can take advantage of our fab summer offer.